What is the primary objective of the project?
What do you want to achieve through this marketing campaign? (e.g. raising brand awareness or achieve sales? Please give key, specific objectives only.
Who do you want to reach with this marketing campaign? List all target audiences; be as specific as you can. Include demographics, locations etc.
List each component of the campaign to reach the target audiences. (E.g. A3 poster, A5 flyer, advertisement template, web banner etc.) For physical goods please indicate quantities you would like quoted.
Briefly describe the project. Provide link(s) to examples or reference if appropriate.
What information or key messages do you want to communicate?
What kind of language do you use? What tone is best to connect with your target audience?
What is the single minded proposition that you can say in the campaign to the target audience to get them to act in the way you want them to?
What do you want the audience to 'do' in response to your marketing campaign?
What are the must haves in the campaign (copy, logos, etc.)?
What publications, website pages or other material can provide additional information about this campaign?